“Better Highways: Save Lives, Save Time, Save Money.”
Our Mission
The Van Buren County Road Commission is dedicated to providing a safe and efficient road, bridge, and non-motorized transportation network through sound financial decisions made in the best interest of the motoring public that will save lives, time and money.
Our Vision
The Van Buren County Road Commission envisions the following as it moves forward:
Secure adequate funding to allow for long-term planning utilizing asset management
Foster a positive employee culture which includes common goals, respect, pride and accountability.
Open communication, both internally and externally, leading to clear decisions.
Our Values
The Van Buren County Road Commission values:
The residents and Townships we serve.
Effective communication with the public, elected officials, and Road Commission employees through mutual understanding.
Quality facilities and equipment sufficient to provide services in an efficient, cost-effective and responsive manner.
Qualified and skilled employees committed to professional growth through continuing education and training.