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The Board of County Road Commissioners of Van Buren County reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive irregularities in the bidding process, and to award the bid in any manner deemed to be in the best interest of the

Van Buren County Road Commission. 


Federal/State Aid project information is available on the MDOT Bid Information website.


To jump to project opportunities, click here. 

Material/Service                                                    Notice & Bidding Specifications                                                              Addendum                   

Bangor Garage Office Remodel

Project and Location                                                     Notice & Bidding Specifications                                                              Addendum           

Hill Drive - Place drainage structure, grade existing road, and restore slopes

30th Street; Village of Lawton to 62nd Avenue in Antwerp Township - Mill and pave

Birmingham Meadows in Antwerp Township - Mill and Pave

Fox Creek Farms in Antwerp Township - Mill and Pave

Vintage Point in Antwerp Township - Mill and Pave

Project Bid Opportunites
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