Please follow the instructions set forth in the Permit Application and ensure that forms are filled out completely before submission. If there are any questions or concerns, you may contact our office at (269) 674-8011.
A driveway is the landowner's access point to their property. Driveway permits are the property owner's responsibility responsibility to obtain and require approval before any construction or change in land use occurs. If the driveway requires a culvert, the cost of the culvert, installation, and maintenance is the property owner's to bear as well as any other required and continuous maintenance. Maintenance is important for keeping the driveway and right-of-way cleaned out and pipe ends clear for stormwater runoff and proper drainage.
When is a driveway permit required?
If you are installing a new driveway
If you are making changes to an existing driveway (location, width, replacing a culvert)
If you are installing or removing asphalt or concrete on a driveway (new or existing)
If you are installing a low-use (agricultural or utility) driveway
For a temporary construction driveway
If you are applying for a building permit
If the use of the land served by the driveway is changed (such as residential to commercial or expansion of commercial services)
When is a driveway permit not needed?
If you are adding a layer of gravel to an existing gravel driveway
If you are seal coating an existing asphalt driveway (contractors seal coating in the road right-of-way are required to have a permit and insurance on file at the VBCRC)
General maintenance not involving resurfacing of existing driveway or change in culvert pipe
Permit Types
Residential Driveway Applications are used for single residential homes or duplexes, ag-fam field drives, or low-use parcel access driveways. ​
Commercial (or other than Residential) Driveway Application is used for anything that does not fall under the Residential Permit including, but not limited to, private roads, driveways that serve three or more residential homes or parcels, small and large businesses, gravel pits, etc.
Contractor OR Property Owner Install
All Contractors must have a valid permit to work within the road right-of-way in place for driveway permits to be issued. to install your own driveway and/or driveway culvert you must agree to accept responsibility for any claims, lawsuits, etc. that occur as a result of your driveway/culvert installation. A Hold Harmless Agreement must be signed by the permit holder and a witness in this regard prior to the issuance of a driveway permit.
Oxcart Permit Systems charges a convenience fee, tiered at cost of the permit, as well as an additional 3% credit card processing fee. ​
Completed Permit Applications including the Hold Harmless Agreement if you are not hiring a contractor, required sketch or site drawings, and appropriate permit fees can be:
Filed online with the Oxcart Permit System*
Mailed to 325 West James Street, P.O. Box 156, Lawrence, MI 49064
Emailed to vbcrc@vbcrc.org
Or dropped off at the VBCRC office at 325 West James Street, Lawrence, MI. An after-hours drop box is available.
*To obtain your permit by use of a credit card, please utilize the online permit system with Oxcart. Nominal convenience fees will be automatically added to your payment for use of the Oxcart Permitting System and for a credit card fee.