The length of time necessary for the permit processing and inspection varies and is dependent upon the workload of this department at the time your application is received. It is suggested that you allow at least 7-10 business days for this process.
It is the policy of the Board of County Road Commissioners of Van Buren County that permits be required PRIOR TO activities taking place within the County Road Right-of-Way as set forth in Policy No. 2015-01.
Permits are required for any driveway (new and changes to existing), road right-of-way project, event, signage, or detour within the County's jurisdiction. Please find the button that best represents your permit needs.
Completed Permit Applications, including valid certificate of insurance and appropriate permit fees can be: ​
Filed online with the Oxcart Permit System*
Mailed to 325 West James Street, P.O. Box 156, Lawrence, MI 49064
Emailed to vbcrc@vbcrc.org
Or dropped off at the VBCRC office at 325 West James Street, Lawrence, MI. An after-hours drop box is available.
*To obtain your permit by use of a credit card, please utilize the online permit system with Oxcart. Nominal convenience fees will be automatically added to your payment for use of the Oxcart Permitting System and for a credit card fee.
Note: In failure to obtain a permit, the VBCRC shall have the right to halt such activity until such time that adequate compliance is made including, but not limited to:
obtaining the necessary permit(s);
pay all associated permit fees;
pay a $100 penalty fee.
Traffic Control
Any person, agency, or entity working within the right-of-way MUST provide signing in your work zone that complies with the Michigan Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Part 6 - Temporary Traffic Control, as stated in the permit restrictions.
Michigan Law prohibits the placement of any object within a county right-of-way other than traffic control devices, public utilities, and authorized mailboxes that meet the standard of the VBCRC and the United States Postal Service. Any non-approved object, which can include things such as fences, landscaping, crops or other vegetation, etc. are considered encroachments and are not permitted.
Oxcart Permit Systems charges a convenience fee, tiered at cost of the permit, as well as an additional 3% credit card processing fee. ​