The Applicant shall furnish with their permit application proof of liability and property damage insurance in the amount of a minimum of $2,000,00. Such insurance shall cover a period of not less than the term of the permit and shall provide that it cannot be canceled without ten (10) days advance written notice by certified mail with a return receipt required to the Road Commission.
Permits are required for various operations on or near the Van Buren County road system, such as:
Working within the county road right-of-way
Boring under a county road
Maintenance and/or repair of existing facilities in the road right-of-way
The average right of way is 33 feet from the center of the traveled portion of the roadway in both directions (66 feet wide). It must be stressed that this is just an average distance as some areas can be 200 feet, or more. Please check with our office for further information pertaining to this issue.
There are two types of right-of-way permits:
Annual Permit: This permit is valid for up to one year from the date the permit issued, provided proper insurance coverage is provided. This permit is usually issued to utility companies who maintain poles, boxes or equipment in the right-of-way, or to contractors who regularly work in the right-of-way to install driveways. Applicant is required to give a 24 hour notification of each site whereat maintenance or work is being performed under this Annual Permit by providing a Site Notification containing specific information regarding the location and the work being performed.
Single Site Permit: Most work performed in the county road right-of-way must be permitted through a Single Site Permit. This permit is issued to contractors or utility companies working in a single location.
Work Zone Sighting
YOU MUST PROVIDE SIGNING IN YOUR WORK ZONE THAT COMPLIES WITH THE MICHIGAN MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, PART 6 - TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL, You must provide signing in your work zone that complies with the Michigan Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Part 6 -- as stated in the permit restrictions.
Failure to Obtain Permit
In the event of a failure to obtain any appropriate permit the Van Buren County Road Commission shall have the right to halt such activity until such time that adequate compliance is made, including, but not limited to: obtain the necessary permit(s); pay all associated permit fees; pay a $100 penalty fee.
Oxcart Permit Systems charges a convenience fee, tiered at cost of the permit, as well as an additional 3% credit card processing fee. ​